Pressure Dependence ofGa71andAu197Nuclear Magnetic Resonance in Pure and Pd-Doped AuGa2

Nuclear-magnetic-resonance measurements have been made of the Knight shift K and spin-lattice relaxation time T1 of Ga71 in Au1xPdxGa2 for x=0.0, 0.012, and 0.026 as a function of hydrostatic pressure to 8.4 kbar and temperature T in the range 4-300°K. The Knight shift for Au197 in AuGa2 was also measured as a function of pressure at 4 °K. Large increases for both the Ga71 shift and relaxation rate of AuGa2 were observed at 4 °K near 7 kbar pressure. The magnitudes of K and (T1T)1 exhibited a decrease upon increasing T at high pressure. In contrast, the Au195 shift showed both pressure and temperature independence. The Ga71 Korringa product (K2T1T) was temperature and pressure dependent and provides evidence of appreciable electron-electron interactions at low temperatures. Increases for K and (T1T)1 were also found at 4 °K in Pd-doped AuGa2. Compared to pure AuGa2, the "turn on" occurred at lower pressures and was more gradual, and the magnitude of the effect was smaller. We have interpreted these effects in terms of a band-structure-electron-transition picture, which involves a sharp peak in the density of states located 10-15 meV below the Fermi level at normal volume and absolute zero.