Genetic studies of the Macushi and Wapishana Indians

Blood samples from 509 Macushi (3 villages) and 623 Wapishana (11 villages) of Northern Brasil and Southern Guyana have been analyzed with respect to the phenotype and gene frequencies at the following 12 polymorphic loci: AB0, Kell-Cellano, MNSs, Rh, P, Duffy, Kidd, Diego, Lewis, Group-specific component, and the immunoglobulin allotypes of the Gm and Inv systems. The data suggest that 5–6% of the Wapishana gene pool is derived from non-Indians but only 1–2% of the Macushi. Inter- and intratribal genetic distances between villages are calculated for these data in an effort to understand gene flow between the tribes and to account for the unusual distribution of a newly-discovered genetic polymorphism of erythrocyte esterase A thus far limited to these 2 tribes (Neel et al., 1977). The data are puzzling and consistent with the possibility that both the Craib-speaking Macushi and the Arawak-speaking Wapishana have derived the esterase A allele in question from some third group now extinct or thus far undiscovered. Intertribal genetic distances based on gene frequencies at 6 loci are derived for 20 Amerindian tribes (including these 2); the “central” position of these 2 tribes can in part be explained by the active migration matrix connecting them.