Variations in sialomucins in the mucosa of the large intestine in malignancy: a quantimet and statistical analysis

The periodate-borohydride/saponification/PAS (PB/KOH/PAS) method, for the identification of sialic acid derivatives, was used to investigate possible changes in human colonic epithelium associated with carcinogenesis. The material was obtained from specimens of the large intestine resected for carcinoma and compared with normal control mucosa from biopsies of patients with no known gastro-intestinal diseases, using a Quantimet Image Analyser Densitometer to measure these staining reactions. An ordination or segregation analysis of the results revealed a marked discrimination between tumours and the normal control mucosa, with the values for the ‘transitional’ mucosa and mucosa remote from the tumour graded in between. Pairedt-tests also showed statistically significant differences between the various types of mucosa. The fact that changes in the staining densities of the sialic acid derivatives are observed in mucosa which is normal by conventional histological criteria raises the hypothesis that malignancy in the colonic epithelium is accompanied by modifications in the sialic acid composition of the mucus secretion. Thus the PB/KOH/PAS method may be of value in the early detection of cancer in colo-rectal biopsies.

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