In expts. conducted to determine the effect of heat of activation on endogenous respiration of spores of Bacillus cereus var. anthracis, 30 min. exposures to 65[degree] and 80[degree]C resulted in a burst of activity which reached a peak and then dropped to a steady rate of O2 consumption. This level was at a QO2 of 1.7 following exposure to 65[degree]C, and at a QO2 of 5 after 80[degree]C, while suspensions receiving no heat developed a QO2 of 0.3. The previously reported stimulation of B subtilis spores by glucose was confirmed; a 2-fold increase in endogenous respiration was found. The Scholander microrespirometer was slightly modified; a reaction vessel with a side arm to contain the KOH soln. was used and the manometer provided with bulbs to permit longer intervals between re-equilibrations.