Chemical Properties and Enzymatic Reduction of Neotetrazolium Chloride

The commercial preparation of neotetrazolium chloride (NT) was adsorbed on a silicic acid-Hyflo super cell (1:1) column, and 2,5-diphenyl-3-diphenylene-tetrazolium chloride (DDT) and NT were eluted with acetone containing 5 and 10% methanol, resp. Silica gel thin layer chromatography with the solv. system of water-saturated n-butanol gave DDT and NT spots at Rf values of 0.8 and 0.0. Upon reducing with Na2S2O4 the DDT- and NT-formazans showed absorption peaks at 555 and 530 mu, resp. DDT was more strongly reduced by the rat liver mitochondrial preparation than NT, but 1.8 x 10-5[image] Antimycin A and 10-3[image] KCN inhibitions of enzymic NT reduction were greater than those of DDT reduction. NT gave 2 step oxidation-reduction with Eo at 200 and 420 mv.