Low-Temperature Specific Heat of Ni(NO3)2 · 6H2O: Antiferromagnetic Interactions

Measurements of the specific heat of nickel nitrate hexahydrate for 0.5<T<12 K reveal a Schottky anomaly with Cp max=1.373 cal/mole K at Tmax=2.35 K. The experimental data are explained by the complete splitting of the S=1 ground-state triplet, with levels separated successively by 4.80 and 3.26 K. The lattice contribution is found to be 4.11×104T3 cal/mole K. The discrepancies between the level spacings, as deduced from these measurements and the reported powder susceptibility data, are removed by taking into account a small antiferromagnetic exchange interaction (Ak=+0.6 K) in a molecular-field approximation. The total magnetic entropy change is found to be within 0.6% of the theoretically predicted value Rln3 for a spin-1 system.

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