Ionic-Thermocurrent Study of Rare-Earth-Doped CaF2and SrF2

The reorientational properties of CaF2 doped with the rare earths (RE) cerium, praesodymium, samarium, europium, and terbium were studied using the technique of ionic thermocurrents (ITC). The reorientational energies of the RE-F-interstitial complex formed were found to increase with increasing ionic radius of the impurity rare-earth ion, increasing more rapidly for the larger ions. All energies were much less than the free F-interstitial activation energy. The preexponential factors were larger than the normal vibrational frequencies in the CaF2 lattice and perhaps reflect the tight-binding nature of the complex. A natural Brazilian fluoride sample known to contain aluminum fit nicely with the other data. Oscillator strengths for the 4f5d optical transition for the RE ion in tetragonal symmetry in the CaF2 lattice were determined for Ce, Pr, and Tb using ITC and optical-absorption data. ITC runs on SrF2: Eu were also made. The peak structure observed was more complicated. Three peaks were separated and their activation energies and frequency factors determined.