Cultivation of Anaerobes and Oxidation-Reduction Potentials

Some 15 spp. of pathogenic Clostridia grow luxuriantly from small inocula in a simple, slightly alkaline, peptone soln. provided it is poised at a favorable O/R potential. The optimum Eh for these spp. is in the region of [long dash]0.2 volt. Glucose, in this medium, produces an O/R potential, though poorly poised, which approximates the optimum for these spp. Na thioglycollate, cysteine, ascorbic acid, Na formaldehyde sulfoxylate produce better poised O/R potentials nearer the optimum for pathogenic Clostridia than are produced by glucose. Addition of small amts. of agar to the medium greatly increases the stabilization of the O/R potentials.