Neutron-Producing Reactions by Deuteron Bombardment ofB11

The neutrons produced by deuteron bombardment of a thin, enriched B11 target have been studied for nine different deuteron energies ranging from 1.60 to 2.70 MeV. The absolute differential cross sections for the production of neutrons feeding well-established states in C12 were determined. In addition to the monoenergetic neutron groups feeding the states of C12, previously unreported continuum neutrons due to many-body breakup of deuteron plus B11 system were observed and analyzed. The breakup mechanism is inferred to be a direct reaction process rather than the compound nucleus process. The angular distributions of neutrons leaving C12 in 15.11 MeV (1+), Q=1.37 MeV and 12.73 MeV (1+), Q=+1.00 MeV states were studied in detail. The effect of compound resonance at Ed=2.18 MeV on the angular distributions of the above neutron groups was studied. The investigations were performed employing time-of-flight technique utilizing pre-acceleration pulsed, post-acceleration bunched deuteron beam from a 3-MeV Van de Graaff accelerator.