Effect of wheat bran on bowel function and fecal calcium in older adults.

Seven healthy older volunteers participated in a 33-day study consisting of three sample collection periods, a 10-day control, and two 10-day experimental periods. Subjects consumed their usual self-selected diets throughout and a daily wheat bran supplement (30 g) during the two experimental periods. Food intake was recorded daily by subjects and accuracy and completeness checked daily by personal interview. Apparent calcium absorption decreased significantly from 22.1 +/− 5.6% (mean +/− SD) during the control to 8.6 +/− 5.2% during the second bran period. The wheat bran supplement significantly increased wet and dry stool weights but had no effect on stool moisture or defecation frequency. Gastrointestinal transit time of a dose of chromium decreased significantly, from 75 +/− 33 to 54 +/− 19 hr; of a dose of polyethylene glycol insignificantly, from 98 +/− 59 to 69 +/− 46 hr. Mean recovery of 21 doses of chromium of 98.7 +/− 5.0% verified that stool collection was complete. The results suggest that the ability of wheat bran to regulate bowel function in the apparently healthy older adult may be accompanied by increased fecal calcium losses similar to what has been reported for younger adults.