Pharmacokinetics of hydralazine and its acid-labile hydrazone metabolites in relation to acetylator phenotype

The pharmacokinetics of hydralazine (H) and its acid-labile hydrazone metabolites were compared in rapid and slow acetylators. Following a 20-mg intravenous infusion, the elimination half-life (t1/2β) and the apparent volume of distribution of H did not differ between the two groups. Plasma clearance estimates approached hepatic blood flow. When a single 100-mg dose of H was given-orally, the area under the plasma concentration-time curve (AUC) and systemic availability (θ) in slow acetylators were, on the average, twice as high as in the rapid acetylators, indicating a difference in the extent of first-pass metabolism of the drug. Furthermore, the observed θ in the slow individuals exceeded theoretical predictions. Hence saturation of first-pass metabolism of H is suggested, and a nonlinear relationship between AUC and oral dose of H was indeed observed in the three subjects studied with two doses. The half-life of decline of the acidlabile metabolites was similar to the t1/2β of H. The AUCs for metabolites were 4–12 times larger than for the parentdrug. However, the ratio between the metabolite AUC and drug AUC did not differ irrespective ofroutes of administration or the acetylator status.