Studies on the Diethylamide of Lysergic Acid (LSD-25)

The effects of "tranquilizing" drugs on the abnormal mental state induced by the diethylamide of lysergic acid (LSD-25) are of interest from several points of view. Some means of mitigating too severe a reaction is needed in using LSD-25 experimentally or therapeutically. Since the LSD reaction is measurable and reproducible,1 it might be possible to use the LSD psychosis as a screen for predicting the potential clinical value of new tranquilizing drugs. In addition, such studies might be useful in elucidating the mechanisms of action of both the tranquilizers and the psychotogenic drugs. The purpose of the present paper is to present the results of experiments in which attempts were made to block (prevent) or reverse (treat) the LSD reaction with chlorpromazine, azacyclonol (Frenquel), and reserpine. Methods Subjects.— The subjects used in these experiments were all adult male drug addicts who were serving sentences for violation of the Harrison