Infrared studies of the crystallinity of ion-implanted Si

The crystallinity of ion-implanted silicon has been investigated using ion mass and ion fluence dependences of divacancy formation as measured by the characteristic 1.8 μ absorption band. Room temperature, nonchanneled implants of 400-keV B11, Zn64, and Sb121 ions were performed to maximum fluences of 1014 ions/crn2 for Sb and Zn and to 2 × 1015 ions/cm2 for B. The results are interpreted on the basis of ion energy spent in atomic processes per unit volume, ε, within the implanted layer. For ε ≤ 1019 keV/cm3 the energy to form a divacancy (1.5 ± 0.5 keV) is nearly ion independent. Maxima appear in the divacancy densities at ∼1013 Sb ions/cm2 and ∼2 × 1013 Zn ions/cm2 where ε ≤ 1020 keV/cm3. The divacancy density for B implantation did not exhibit a distinct maximum at E = 1020 keV/cm3, but continued to increase with fluence. The B results are attributed to defect motion because divacancies are observed beyond the calculated depth for energy deposition after a high fluence B implant. In addition to the 1.8 μ band, absorption extending from the band edge to at least 3.5μ is observed to increase with fluence for all ions. Analysis of the divacancy density data indicates that 1.8μ band quenching occurs for divacancy concentrations ≥ 7 × 1019 cm−3. The results of this investigation are consistent with crystal lattice defect domination of the ion-produced disorder when the energy spent in atomic processes is ∼ 1020 keV/cm3 at room temperature, and with amorphous layer formation when the energy deposition is∼1021 keV/cm3 at room temperature, providing the defects remain near the position of the initial energy deposition.