For pt.I see ibid., vol.11, p.1523 (1978). A set of interionic potentials of the Born-Mayer form is derived for the alkali halides. The specification is completely in terms of parameters of two types, (a) parameters which relate to the constituent ions and (b) parameters which apply to all crystals. Thus the parametrisation scheme contains no crystal dependent terms and is of a form which may readily be applied to systems of mixed alkali halides. Each of the nine ions is described by five parameters, its polarisability, its shell charge and three parameters which relate to the ion size. The van der Waals coefficients are calculated consistently from the ion polarisabilities. The model system, which has 47 free parameters, reproduces the lattice constants, high and low frequency dielectric constants and transverse optic frequencies for the 20 crystals to high accuracy. Of crystal properties which are not included in the fitting procedure, the cohesive energies are given in most cases to better than 1%, the NaCl/CsCl structural relative stability is correctly described in all cases except CsF, and reasonable phonon dispersion relations and elastic constants are obtained.

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