Laser Magnetic Resonance of theO2Molecule Using 119-and 78-μmH2O Laser Lines

Laser magnetic resonance of the O2 molecule is observed using the 119- and 78-μm lines of the H2 O laser. The relevant transitions for the 119-μm line are (N=13, J=14, M)(N=15, J=14, M), and those for the 78-μm line are (N=21, J=22, M)(N=23, J=22, M), where M=M or M±1 depending on the polarization. It is found that g=2.0044±0.0008, gz=2.0020±0.0001, gn=0.000125±0.000008 give slightly better agreement between theory and experiment than Hendrie and Kusch's values (g=2.005169, gz=2.001939, gn=0.000122) and Bauer, Kamper, and Lustig's values (g=2.004838, gz=2.002025, gn=0.000126), but the present experimental accuracy is not high enough to exclude these older g-factor values. Using the existing microwave data and the known laser frequencies, the zero-field frequencies for the transitions (N=J=13)(N=J=15) and (N=J=21)(N=J=23) are found to be 2496.283±0.30 and 3865.81±0.03 GHz, respectively. Combining these results with the frequency of the (N=J=1)(N=J=3) transition obtained by McKnight and Gordy, we obtain B0=43.100518±0.000020 GHz, B1=0.14496±0.00030 MHz, and B2=0.17±1.00 Hz.