Congenital dysfibrinogenemia: fibrinogen detroit

A 17 yr old female with a congenital bleeding disorder was found to suffer from dysfibrinogenemia. Whole blood and plasma coagulation times were delayed and thrombelastograms were grossly abnormal. Clottability of plasma fibrinogen by addition of thrombin was not demonstrated during the 30 min test period. Fibrinogen was revealed by turbidometric and immunologic techniques. Other coagulation factors were present in normal amounts and prothrombin activation was normal. Patient's plasma inhibited thrombin clotting times of normal plasma and purified normal fibrinogen. Fibrinolysis was not detected. The plasma fibrinogen migrated normally on paper and cellulose acetate electrophoresis, but on immunoelectrophoresis it displayed a faster mobility than normal fibrinogen. On immunodiffusion the antigenic determinants were similar to those of normal fibrinogen. The patient's fibrinogen-antifibrinogen precipitins required longer to appear and the resultant precipitin was broader and hazier than those elicited with normal fibrinogen. These findings suggest the presence of two discrete populations of fibrinogen molecules. Investigation of the family of the patient suggested that the defect has an autosomal dominant pattern of heredity. Immunologic comparisons of our patient's plasma and of her relatives with plasma of patients with “Fibrinogen Baltimore” and “Fibrinogen Cleveland” revealed certain differences in immunoelectrophoretic mobility as well as in immunodiffusion. In keeping with the nomenclatures of abnormal fibrinogens in the literature, we propose the term “Fibrinogen Detroit” for this fibrinogen. Physicochemical properties of “Fibrinogen Detroit” were investigated also and compared with those of normal fibrinogen. Purified normal fibrinogen (clottability 96.7%) and “Fibrinogen Detroit” revealed homogeneity when studied by ultracentrifugation and immunoelectrophoresis. Native and cleaved “Fibrinogen Detroit” had the same sedimentation constants and molecular weights as the normal. In fresh samples. 3 moles of free SH groups/mole of fibrinogen were titrated in both. Determination of the amino acid composition revealed a decreased content of lysine, glucosamine, and galactosamine in abnormal fibrinogen. Total carbohydrates, protein-bound hexoses, sialic acid, and hexosamine were decreased in the abnormal fibrinogen. In an investigation with Doctors Blombäck a specific molecular defect was revealed in the N-terminal disulfide knot of the alpha (A) chain in which the arginine at the 19th position was replaced by serine. It is believed that the substitution of a strongly basic amino acid with a neutral hydroxy acid may result in considerable conformational changes in the N-terminal disulfide knot of fibrinogen which might affect the “active site” for polymerization. The lower carbohydrate content observed in “Fibrinogen Detroit” may have been the result of a change in primary and tertiary structure of the protein.