A Strap-Down Inertial Navigation/Spectrum Red-Shift/Star Sensor (SINS/SRS/SS) Autonomous Integrated System for Spacecraft Navigation

This paper presents a new Strap-down Inertial Navigation System/Spectrum Red-Shift/Star Sensor (SINS/SRS/SS) system integration methodology to improve the autonomy and reliability of spacecraft navigation using the spectrum red-shift information from natural celestial bodies such as the Sun, Jupiter and the Earth. The system models for SINS/SRS/SS integration are established. The information fusion of SINS/SRS/SS integration is designed as the structure of the federated Kalman filter to fuse the local estimations of SINS/SRS and SINS/SS integrated subsystems to generate the global state estimation for spacecraft navigation. A new robust adaptive unscented particle filter is also developed to obtain the local state estimations of SINS/SRS and SINS/SS integrated subsystems in a parallel manner. The simulation results demonstrate that the proposed methodology for SINS/SRS/SS integration can effectively calculate navigation solutions, leading to strong autonomy and high reliability for spacecraft navigation.
Funding Information
  • National Natural Science Foundation of China (41704016)
  • Specialized Research Fund for the Doctoral Program (20136102110036)