Charge-Changing Collisions by 20- to 120-keVH(2s)-Atom Impact onN2, Ar, and He

Absolute cross sections have been measured for the reaction H(2s)+TH++T+e, where T represents N2, Ar, and He. The measurements were carried out for impact energies in the 20-120-keV range. The experimental results for impact on He and N2 are in general agreement with calculations based on the method of Bates and Walker. The calculation for impact on Ar overestimates the experimental stripping at the lowest energies but approaches satisfactory agreement at the highest energies. A few cross sections are presented for electron capture into the stable H state for H(2s) impact on these gases. The capture cross sections are small and are about 7% of the total capture cross sections by protons having the same energy.