Review of Commercial GaN Power Devices and GaN-Based Converter Design Challenges

Gallium nitride (GaN) power devices are an emerging technology that have only recently become available commercially. This new technology enables the design of converters at higher frequencies and efficiencies than those achievable with conventional Si devices. This paper reviews the characteristics and commercial status of both vertical and lateral GaN power devices, providing the background necessary to understand the significance of these recent developments. In addition, the challenges encountered in GaN-based converter design are considered, such as the consequences of faster switching on gate driver design and board layout. Other issues include the unique reverse conduction behavior, dynamic R ds,on , breakdown mechanisms, thermal design, device availability, and reliability qualification. This review will help prepare the reader to effectively design GaN-based converters, as these devices become increasingly available on a commercial scale.
Funding Information
  • Engineering Research Center Program within the National Science Foundation and the Department of Energy (EEC-1041877)
  • CURENT Industry Partnership Program
  • Bredesen Center for Interdisciplinary Research and Graduate Education

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