Radioactive compounds excreted by rats treated with 35S-labelled British Anti-Lewisite. Preliminary studies

Following intraperitoneal injection of S35-labeled BAL into rats, there was an immediate excretion of S35 in the urine, most marked within the first 6 hours. During 48 hour period after injection, 50-77% of the injected radioactivity was found in the neutral sulfur fraction of the urine, 3.4-4.4% in the inorganic sulfate fraction and 0.3-0.6% in the ethereal sulfate fraction. Injection of BAL led to a rise in the total neutral sulfur excretion, but had no effect on the excretion of inorganic sulfate. A method is described for the detection of BAL by filter-paper chromatography in amounts as low as 10-20 [mu]g. Filter-paper chromato-grams of the urine excreted by the injected rats were scanned for radioactive areas. A radioactive area, with RF of 0.53 - 0.68, was observed in all the urines. This material appeared to be the major radioactive excretory product of S35-labeled BAL. A 2d peak of activity, RF 0.02 - 0.03, and a 3d radioactive area, RF 0.62-0.79, were detected in the urine. Unchanged BAL (RF = 0.92) was not detected in the urine of the injected rats.