Warping- and inversion-asymmetry-induced cyclotron-harmonic transitions in InSb

Selection rules are obtained for harmonics of the cyclotron resonance transition in InSb, such as 2ωc(Δn=2,Δms=0), 3ωc(Δn=3,Δms=0), etc., and spin-shifted harmonics such as 2ωc+ωs(Δn=2,Δms=1), etc., where Δn and Δms are the changes in the Landau quantum number and the z component of the spin angular momentum. These transitions are induced by warping and inversion-asymmetry effects. The complete k·p Hamiltonian is obtained to second order in k and to first order in the applied magnetic field H for the coupled conduction band (Γ6), light- and heavy-hole valence bands (Γ8) and split-off valence band (Γ7). This Hamiltonian treats the interactions with higher bands as second-order perturbations, and includes terms proportional to three new parameters which arise from the spin-orbit splitting of these higher bands. A group-theoretical analysis is carried out for H in the (1¯10) plane including kH0, kH being the momentum component along the direction of the applied magnetic field. The selection rules for the intra-conduction-band transition 2ωc, 2ωc+ωs, and 3ωc are in agreement with experiment but with one important exception: that a strong 2ωc transition observed for H[001] in the polarization EH is not predicted by the above group-theoretical analysis.