One-to-Two Millimeter Wave Spectroscopy. V. PH3and PD3

The J=01 rotational transition of PH3 has been measured at ν0=266944.0±1.0 Mc/sec (λ=1.12 mm). With DJ=3.15 Mc/sec from infrared spectroscopy, this measurement yields B0=133478.3 Mc/sec. Similarly, the 0→1 transition of PD3 was measured at ν0=138937.98±0.30 Mc/sec (λ=2.16 mm) and B0=69470.41 Mc/sec was obtained by using DJ=0.71 Mc/sec from infrared spectroscopy. The bond lengths in the two isotopic forms were found to be slightly different with dPH=1.4206±0.005 A and dPD=1.4166±0.005 A.