Magnetic hyperfine interactions in amorphousFexB100x

Sputtered amorphous FexB100x has been studied by Fe57 Mössbauer spectroscopy from below the magnetic threshold at xc38 through the magnetic region, to x=90. TC is found to rise sharply with Fe concentration, peaking at x70, and then to decrease monotonically. Measurements under a small external field indicate that these samples are ferromagnetic. The hyperfine field distributions {P(H)} exhibit rather structureless, single-maximum patterns that continuously shift to higher H values as the Fe concentration is increased. The isomer shift, on the other hand, shows a maximum at x50. The data are discussed in terms of the localized moment and itinerant electron descriptions. It is also shown that several models (e.g., charge-transfer and quasicrystalline models) based on the results from liquid-quench samples with 72x86, are not valid over the wider composition range studied here. The magnetic properties and hyperfine interactions of sputtered and liquid-quench samples are compared in the region of common compositions.