Magnetic properties of amorphous FexB100x(72<~x<~86) and crystalline Fe3B

Amorphous samples of FexB100x(72<~x<~86) have been studied by Fe57 Mössbauer spectroscopy and in some cases by magnetization measurements. The magnetic ordering temperature (TC) decreases sharply with increasing Fe concentration; from 760 K (Fe72 B28) to 552 K (Fe86 B14). The value of TC of amorphous pure Fe has been extrapolated to about 220 K. Well-defined hyperfine field distributions {P(H)} have been found. The mean hyperfine field is found to be proportional to the average Fe moment with a ratio of about 130 kOe/μB. The shape of P(H) for each alloy is practically independent of temperature. At low temperatures, the effective hyperfine field (Heff) shows a temperature dependence of Heff(T)=Heff(0)(1BT32) due to spin-wave excitations. The value of B32=B(TC)32 increases with Fe concentration. As the Fe concentration is increased in these alloys, the reduced hyperfine field decreases faster with reduced temperature due to a systematic change in the distribution of exchange interactions. A correlation of Heff(0) and the isomer shift exists for crystalline and amorphous Fe-B systems. Crystalline Fe3B(TC800 K) has been found after crystallizing amorphous samples with x>75 under high heating rates. At T<TC, Fe3B shows at least three magnetically inequivalent sites, whereas at T>TC, electric quadrupole interactions are observed. The crystal structure of Fe3B is likely to be tetragonal rather than orthorhombic.

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