Poly(formycin phosphate) and poly (laurusin phosphate) were synthesized by polymerizing formycin and laurusin 5′-diphosphate by means of E. coli polynucleotide phosphorylase. The complex formation of these polynucleotides with cyclonucleoside polynucleotides were investigated. While poly(formycin phosphate) did not form the complex with an octa-nucleotide of 6, 2′-anhydro-6-oxy-l-β-D-arabinofuranosyluracil, poly (laurusin phosphate) did form a 1 : 1 complex with octanucleotide of 8,2′-anhydro-8-mercapto-9-β-D-arabinofuranosyladenine in the presence of 0.15M Na ion at neutrality and 3°. CD spectrum of this complex showed a couple of a trough at 286 nm and a peak at 262 nm. This fact suggests that the complex has a left-handed helical conformation, which is opposite to the natural double helical polynucleotides. The cause of this phenomenon was discussed in connection with the complex of cyclonucleoside oligonucleotides.