Asymmetrical division of Saccharomyces cerevisiae

The unequal division model proposed for budding yeast was tested by bud scar analyses of steady-state exponential batch cultures of S. cerevisiae growing at C at 19 different rates, which were obtained by altering the C source. The analyses involved counting the number of bud scars, determining the presence or absence of buds on at least 1000 cells, and independently measuring the doubling times (.tau.) by cell number increase. A number of assumptions in the model were tested and found to be in good agreement with the model. Maximum likelihood estimates of daughter cycle time (D), parent cycle time (P) and the budded phase (B) were obtained, and asymmetrical division occurred at all growth rates tested (.tau., 75-250 min). D, P and B are all linearly related to .tau., and D, P and .tau. converge to equality (symmetrical division) at .tau. = 65 min. Expressions for the genealogical age distribution for asymmetrically dividing yeast cells were derived. The fraction of daughter cells in steady-state populations is e-.alpha.P, and the fraction of parent cells of age n (where n is the number of buds that a cell has produced) is (e-.alpha.P)n-1(1-e-.alpha.P)2, where .alpha. = ln2/.tau.; thus, the distribution changes with growth rate. The frequency of cells with different numbers of bud scars (i.e., different genealogical ages) was determined for all growth rates, and the observed distribution changed with the growth rate in the manner predicted. In this haploid strain new buds formed adjacent to the previous buds in a regular pattern, but at slower growth rates the pattern was more irregular. The median volume of the cells and the volume at start in the cell cycle both increased at faster growth rates. The implications of these findings for the control of the cell cycle are discussed.