Spin-Orbit and Target Spin Effects in Helion Elastic Scattering

The well depth of the spin-orbit term for the helion-nucleus optical-model potential was determined by performing parameter searches for elastic scattering data at successive fixed values of Vs. Resulting plots of χ2N vs Vs show consistent minima for the 13 data sets used. Elastic angular distributions studied were for Ni60 at four energies between 35 and 71 MeV and for three groups of neighboring even- and odd-mass targets at energies between 60 and 71 MeV. The χ2N vs Vs plots for all the even-mass (I=0) targets have minima at values of Vs between 2.0 and 3.0 MeV, while the plots for all the odd-mass (I0) targets have minima about 1 MeV greater (3.0 to 4.0 MeV). This difference in the best-fit values of Vs is consistent over a wide range of target mass and of scattering energy, and suggests the presence of a detectable target spin interaction in helion elastic scattering.