ReactionsNi58(He3,He3') andNi58(He3,α)at 51.3 MeV

Differential cross sections were measured for elastic and inelastic scattering of 51.3-MeV He3 from Ni58, and for Ni58(He3,α). The elastic scattering was analyzed in terms of the optical model with a Woods-Saxon potential. Several satisfactory sets of parameters were obtained. The inclusion of a spin-orbit term with Vs2.9 MeV improved the best fits. The inelastic scattering events were treated as one-phonon collective transitions in the distorted-wave approximation, using complex coupling. The βR0 agreed well with deformation lengths from other experiments. No improvement in the fit to the 2+ angular distribution was found in calculations with unequal real and imaginary deformations. The (He3,α)) results were compared with zero-range distorted-wave predictions, using a previously obtained empirical normalization. The spectroscopic factors are in good agreement with other experiments and sum-rule expectations.