Optimal Pacemaker Sensing with Respect to Amplitude and Slew Rate of Intracardiac Electrograms: Theoretical Analysis by Computer Simulation

The optimal amplitude and slew rate of intracardiac electrograms for pacemaker sensing were examined on a theoretical basis by computer simulation. The simulation was based on the concept that it is the voltage at the position of the pacing electrode in an electrical field of a moving electrical dipole. By changing the distance between the electrode and the myocardium and the moving velocity of the electrical dipole, simulated ECGs with arbitrary amplitudes and slew rates were generated by the computer and fed to a bandpass filter. This filter was equivalent to those assembled in some models of permanent pacemakers and had a center pass-band frequency of 50 Hz and a Q of 1.0. The outputs of the filter were measured. The results showed that, for pacemakers sensing, simulated intracardiac electrograms with high amplitude should have high slew rates and those with low amplitudes should have low slew rates, although the absolute values depend on the characteristics of the bandpass filter and the sensing threshold of the pacemaker.