The iodine metabolism of 6 sporadic goitrous cretins was studied by determinations of stable and radioactive iodine. The 6 patients were placed in 3 groups on the basis of the level and type of metabolic block in the chain ofevents leading to the elaboration of thyroid hormone. The patients in Group 1 were able to trap iodide without being able to bind it to protein, although in 1 patient minute amounts of monoiodotyrosine were found in the thyroid gland. The 2 patients in Group 2 could trap iodide and totally bind it to protein, but the resulting iodotyrosines were converted to only a small amount of thyroxine. Radioiodinated tyrosines were present in the serum and urine of these 2 patients. The single patient in Group 3 was able to trap iodide but, unlike those in Group 2, could bind only part of it to protein. The resulting thyroidal iodotyrosines were associated with only a small amount of thyroxine in the thyroid gland and with iodotyrosines in the urine.