Effect of Dibenzyline on Prolonged Leucocyte Response Following Epinephrine Administration

Total leukocyte and differential changes were studied in 10 unanesthetized dogs given (a) 500 jig. epinephrine, subcut., (b) 2 mg./kg. Dibenzyline, intraven., and (c) epinephrine preceded by Dibenzyline. Blood samples were drawn hourly for 8 hrs. after injn. of the drugs. Epinephrine produced the typical eosinopenia, mononuclear cell decrease and neutrophilia, maximal at 4 hrs. Dibenzyline resulted in an early drop in leukocyte count, particularly eosinophiles, followed by a transient neutrophilia and a return of all cell types toward control levels within 4 hrs. When epinephrine followed the Dibenzyline admn., the early response was similar to that seen when Dibenzyline was given alone, but the prolonged leukocyte response to epinephrine admn. was not blocked.