In male rats the content of total flavin compounds were as follows: kidney 48.87, liver 40.89, heart 20.51, stomach 7.70, intestine 7.65, spleen 672, testicle 3.81, brain 3.41, muscle 3.01 [mu]/g. FAD (flavin adenine dinucleotide) predominated, 71.0-95.9%; FMN (flavin mono-nucleotide) was 3.6-28.7% and RF (free riboflavin) 0.5-2.3%. After RF injection (300 g) FMN increased in the mucous membrane of the small intestine, and FAD increased slightly in liver and kidney. Whon FMN was injected, it was rapidly incorporated as FAD in liver and kidney. Upon FAD injection FAD was stored, especially in liver and kidney. RF is presumably absorbed and phosphorylated to FMN in the intestine, and FMN synthesized to FAD, mainly in liver and kidney.