Reinvestigation of the Rate Coefficients for O + H2 and O + CH4

The improved version of the wide‐temperature‐range, fast‐flow reactor with ESR detection employed at this laboratory for a series of atom–molecule rate measurements has been used to reinvestigate the reactions O+H2ΔOH+H [1] and O+CHΔOH+CH3 [3] which had been previously measured with the original apparatus. The new data are uniformly lower than before, implying a systematic error in the old results. The revised Arrhenius expressions are k1 = 3.2 × 1013exp(− 10 200 / RT) cm3mole−1·sec−1 valid in the range 500°–900°K, and k3 = 2.0 × 1013exp(− 9200 / RT) over 400°–900°K. The new results are in better agreement with other data in the literature. Our previous measurements on O+C2H6ΔOH+C2H5 and O+D2→OD+D have also been checked and do not require revision.