Gamma Rays from Neutron Inelastic Scattering inB10,F19, andFe56

The cross section for excitation of the 0.72-Mev gamma ray in the B10(n, nγ)B10 reaction has been measured for neutron bombarding energies from threshold to 5.2 Mev. Resonances were observed at 1.93 Mev, 3.31 Mev, 4.1 Mev, and 4.73 Mev, with evidence of a broad resonance at 2.6 Mev. The angular distributions of the 0.110-Mev and 0.197-Mev gamma rays in the F19(n, nγ)F19 reaction and the 0.847-Mev gamma ray in the Fe56(n, nγ)Fe56 reaction were also measured at a neutron energy of 2.56 Mev. The first of these was isotropic, as would be expected for the decay of a spin-½ level; the last two showed anisotropies but were symmetrical about 90°. The angular distribution of the Fe56 gamma ray agrees very well in both shape and absolute magnitude with calculations based on the statistical model. Since this model predicts angular distributions for Fe56 that have a strong dependence on the spin assumed for the excited state, it appears that such angular distribution measurements may be a useful technique in nuclear spectroscopy.