Studies on the prolactin response induced by electroconvulsive therapy in schizophrenics

Electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) and simulated ECT (SECT)-induced prolactin response was studied in 14 schizophrenic males. Cortisol, growth hormone and thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) changes were measured simultaneously. The prolactin rise was significantly higher after ECT than after SECT. Cortisol increase after ECT did not exceed significantly the elevation after SECT. Changes in growth hormone and TSH concentrations were inconsistent and non-significant. Apparently the ECT-induced prolactin response is a consequence of specific transmitter changes in the CNS and not a result of stress reaction or generalized neuronal discharge. ECT-induced prolactin response was negligible in 2 cases. Both patients were chronically hospitalized schizophrenics resistant to therapy. Whether the prolactin response or its absence is of predictive value with respect to prognosis or effect of ECT remains to be seen.