Electric form factor of the neutron from theH2(e→,en)1H reaction atQ2=0.255 (GeV/c)2

We determined the electric form factor GEn of the neutron from the quasielastic H2(e→,en)1H reaction at a central squared four-momentum transfer Q2=0.255 (GeV/c)2 with a longitudinally polarized electron beam of 868 MeV and a low (∼0.8%) duty factor. A neutron polarimeter designed and constructed specifically for this experiment was used to measure the sideways polarization of the recoil neutron, which was detected in coincidence with the scattered electron. Theoretical calculations have established that this polarization-transfer technique for quasielastic scattering produces a value of GEn that shows little sensitivity to the influence of final-state interactions, meson-exchange currents, isobar configurations, and deuteron structure. The value for GEn from this measurement is 0.066±0.036±0.009.