Ganglion cell dendritic structure and retinal topography in the rat

The dendritic field size, the distribution of the dendrites relative to the cell body, and the overall shape of the dendritic field of type I ganglion cells in the rat retina were analyzed. These features of neuronal structure were related to the topography of the rat retina. As in the cat, the cell bodies of type I ganglion cells are arranged in a nonrandom mosaic. Previous work has demonstrated that the density of type I cells in the rat retina does not covary with the density of all ganglion cells. Type I dendritic field size varies over the retina; the increase in dendritic field size is accounted for better by the decrease in type I density than by the decrease in overall ganglion cell density. The center of the dendritic field of most type I cells is displaced in the plane of the retina from the cell body. Unlike in carnivore retina (Schall and Leventhal: J. Comp. Neurol. 257:149–159, '87), the dendritic fields in the rat are not displaced down the ganglion cell density gradient. Rather, there is a tendency for the dendritic trees, especially in temporal retina, to be displaced toward dorsal retina. Most of the dendritic fields are elongated, but the degree of elongation is less than that observed in carnivore or primate retina. Unlike in carnivore and primate retina (Leventhal and Schall: J. Comp. Neurol. 220:465–475, '83; Schall et al.: Brain Res. 368:18–23, '86), there is no relationship between dendritic tree orientation and position relative to any point on the retina in the rat. The foregoing differences in the morphology of retinal ganglion cell dendritic trees in rat, carnivore, and primate are considered in light of the differences in the development of retinal topography in these species.