Hypernuclear excitation through kaon photoproduction

The Λ hypernuclear spectrum excited in the weakly interacting electromagnetic production process A(γ, K+)ΛB is theoretically surveyed. Plane wave impulse approximated multiple-scattering calculations for hypernuclear formation from He4, C12, and Pb208 targets are presented for a wide range of lab and excitation energies. Excitation energies and transition densities are calculated within a lambda-particle, proton-hole model using Woods-Saxon basis wave functions. The transition operator is constructed using the free (bare) amplitudes for the elementary process γ+pK++Λ which are evaluated from Feynman diagrams including both strange meson (K,K*) and baryon (Λ, Σ) exchange. These amplitudes are dominated by Λ and scalar K exchange; however, effects from Σ and vector K* exchange are found to be significant even near threshold. The hypernuclear selective excitation is documented in detail for θ=0°. Transitions to unnatural parity states and substitutional states with medium to high spin are predicted to be strong. Because of large momentum transfer (≥200 MeV/c), the (γ, K) reaction is highly quasielastic and a low, roughly 0.1, Λ "sticking probability" is estimated using an approximate hypernuclear sum rule. The excitation process is sensitive to the interior as cross section calculations for Pb208(γ, K+)TlΛ208 involving bound Λ, 1s, 2s, and 3s configurations, unrestricted by the Pauli exclusion principle, reveal markedly different signatures. Cross section sensitivity is also investigated and discussed for off-shell amplitude effects, variations in the Λ-nucleus spin-orbit interaction, and different sets of phenomenological coupling constants which equivalently describe the γ+pK++Λ process. Finally, estimates for electroproduction, A(e, eK+)ΛB, are also presented and discussed. Both photoproduction and electroproduction cross sections are calculated to be measurably large for the beam energies, 1 to 3 GeV, of proposed intense electron accelerators.

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