The diurnal variation of serum hyaluronan in health and disease

The variation of the serum concentration of hyaluronan during the day and between days has been investigated. In a group of healthy volunteers, the mean hyaluronan level was very stable over time except for a moderate but significant elevation after rising from bed in the morning. Patients with rheumatoid arthritis showed markedly increased hyaluronan concentrations 0.5-2 h after leaving bed. Patients with primary biliary cirrhosis exhibited high and rather constant levels during the day. A reference group of hospitalized patients with other diseases did not show any diurnal variation. The best reproducibility in hyaluronan determinations is obtained if specimens are taken before the subjects rise from bed or a few hours later, i.e. after the morning elevation of serum hyaluronan has subsided. In rheumatoid arthritis valuable information can be obtained by repeated sampling during the morning hours.