Metabolism of normal and tumour tissue

The metabolism of mucous membrane from various parts of the intestine (rat and mouse) was measured in Ringer soln. and in serum. The jejunal mucous membrane possesses a high respiration, a high glycolysis, aerobically and anaerobically, and a low R.Q. Acetylcholine was without effect. Jejunal mucous membrane is unique among tissues hitherto studied in that the Pasteur effect is absent. These results are not due to toxic action of Ringer soln., as they are also observed in serum; nor are they due to the severance of the mucosa from the matrix as the metabolism of the whole intestinal wall is that expected from the summation of its parts. The metabolism of mucous membrane from ilenm and colon is less active and more variable, probably owing to greater fragility. It resembles in general that of the jejunum, but the Pasteur effect is often evident. These results are discussed in relation to the problem of tumour metabolism.