Heat Capacity of hcp and bcc Solid Helium 3

Experimental data are presented for the heat capacity of hcp He3 at five molar volumes (19.05 to 11.42 cm3) and for bcc He3 at four molar volumes (20.18 to 23.80 cm3). These data extend from the true T3 region (TΘ0<0.03) to the melting line in all cases with sufficient precision (at least 1% in ΘD) so that the volume dependence of both Θ0 and the reduced ΘversusT (ΘΘ0versusTΘ0) relationship can be determined. In general, when a comparison is made with other He4 data, θ03θ04=1.18. The quantity γ0=dlnΘ0dlnV varies from 2.6 to 2.0 for the hcp data with decreasing molar volume, while γ0=2.2 for the bcc phase. The changes in the shapes of the reduced ΘversusT curves for the hcp phase can be understood in terms of a slightly temperature-dependent Grüeneisen constant γ, the ratio γγ0 being independent of volume to a first approximation and increasing to approximately 1.07 at TΘ0=0.12. The shapes of these reduced ΘversusT curves at the smallest molar volumes are almost identical for hcp He3 and for our one hcp He4 run, and agree with comparable previous data at relatively high temperature. These shapes resemble closely the zero-pressure data for argon and krypton and the theoretical calculations of Horton and Leech. The bcc He3 data can be represented quite precisely as the sum of a Debye-like term [involving Θ0(V)] and an exponential Schottky-like term [involving a characteristic temperature φ(V)]. When compared with the hcp data, the bcc data cannot be explained solely in terms of conventional lattice dynamics.