Amino Acid Transport in Suspension-Cultured Plant Cells

The rate at which L-leucine was transported into suspension-cultured Nicotiana tabacum cv Wisconsin 38 cells increased more than 2-fold over a period of hours when the cells were preincubated in a 1% sucrose solution. This increase in uptake rate was eliminated if certain tris buffers were included in the preincubation solution while other buffers had little effect. Calcium could reverse the effect of the inhibitory buffers only in the buffer and calcium were present together from the beginning of the preincubation period. It was the amine group of the inhibitory buffers which was responsible for the inhibition. Preincubation in a complete culture medium (EM Linsmaier, F Skoog 1965 Physiol Plant 18: 100-127)led to minimal changes in L-leucine uptake rate over a 10 hour preincubation period indicating that the uptake rate was stabilized by this medium. The complete medium stabilized the L-leucine uptake rate as a result of its ionic composition and not because of its osmolarity. Most of the increased uptake rate observed after preincubation in a 1% sucrose solution could be inhibited by 2,4-dinitrophenol or carbonyl cyanide m-chlorophenyl hydrazone, or high concentrations of L-phenylalanine or L-leucine. Therefore much of the increase could be accounted for by an increase in active transport of L-leucine.