Total Cross Sections for 14-Mev Neutrons

With deuterons from the electrostatic generator of the Department of Terrestrial Magnetism incident on a tritium-zirconium target, and with the neutrons detected by a terphenylxylene scintillator and photomultiplier, total cross sections of C, H, D, O, and N for 14.10±0.05 Mev neutrons were measured. The effective neutron energy was evaluated from the kinematics of the T(d,n)He4 reaction, the dependence of the reaction's cross section on energy and angle, and the multiple scattering of the deuterons and their rate of energy loss in the target. A least squares analysis of the transmissions of six thicknesses each of carbon and polyethylene (40 to 85 percent transmissions) yielded, for total cross sections σ in barns: σC=1.279±0.004 and σH=0.689±0.005. Transmissions of light and heavy water gave σD=0.803±0.014 and σO=1.64±0.04. Transmission of melamine gave σN=1.7±0.1.