Functional arrayed detector for bubble domains employing multiple three-terminal hall elements

A new principle of a functional arrayed detector for bubble domains employing multiple three-terminal Hall elements is reported with experimental results. Theories are developed, on the fundamental characteristics and requirements for the detector are discussed. When two three-terminal Hall elements are connected in parallel, an output voltage appears only when a bubble domain is present at either of the two elements, and thus an Exclusive OR operation of bubble domain logic can be performed in the process of detection. Various types of one- and two-dimensional arrayed detectors up to 100 bits were made on this principle with both InSb single crystal and vacuum deposited thin film of InSb. Maximum sensitivities of 20 and 15 mV/mA kG were obtained, giving output voltages of 2 and 3 mV for bubble domains in YFeO3at a bias field of 20 Oe, with vacuum deposited film and single crystal InSb detectors, respectively, with an excellent S/N ratio. Exclusive OR operation was confirmed in the performances. Applicability to the small domains in garnet is also discussed.