Sex vesicle-associated nucleolar organizers in mouse spermatocytes: localization, structure, and function

Selective silver staining demonstrated that autosomal bivalents containing transcriptively active nucleolar organizers associated with the sex vesicle during pachytene of mouse spermatocytes. Later in pachytene, the nucleolar organizers covered the portion of the sex vesicle furthest from the attachment to the nuclear envelope. Hybridization in situ revealed the presence of rDNA in the silver-positive material. The nucleolus, formed from an autosomal bivalent, exhibited a large fibrillar center surrounded by an electron-opaque fibrillar zone. The nucleolar association with the sex vesicle was studied at early, middle, and late pachytene by hybridization in situ, NOR silver staining, and electron microscopy. These observations enabled us to further define the relationships of the nucleolar components with the X-Y pair.