Production of vector mesons by muons in a hybrid bubble-chamber experiment

We present results on vector-meson leptoproduction in the SLAC fast-cycling 40-in. hydrogen bubble chamber exposed to 16-GeV/c muons. From 3644 inelastic events we obtained 495 events of μpμπ+πp, of which approximately 160 are ρ events with W>2 GeV and Q2>0.05 GeV2. Analyzing these data in the same way as in our previous photoproduction experiment, we find the ρ0 contribution to σtot decreases by about 35% between Q2=0 and 1 GeV2, and the exponential slope parameter becomes approximately 20% smaller, although within errors it is still consistent with the photoproduction value. The decay angular distribution of the ρ0 shows a substantial cos2θ component which can be interpreted as evidence for production by longitudinal photons assuming s-channel helicity is conserved. Data from 39 ω-production events are also presented. Upper limits for φ and ρ production are given.