Neutron Form Factors from Inelastic Electron Scattering in Tritium and Helium-3

Measurements are reported of the inelastic scattering of electrons from the mirror nuclei of tritium and helium-3. The ratio of the quasi-elastic electron-tritium and electron-helium-3 cross sections has been measured to a precision of about 3% for values of the square of the four-momentum transfer q2 equal to 2.5 and 4.6 F2. Detailed mesaurements of the shape of the entire inelastic spectra and estimates of the total inelastic cross sections have also been made. While these data are primarily intended to furnish additional experimental information which will be of use in determining the structure of the three-body nuclei, it is also pointed out that such data are a possible source of information on the structure of the neutron.