Measurements of Total Cross Sections forK20Mesons on Protons and Selected Nuclei from 168 to 343MeVcand Measurement of theK20Mean Life

We have measured K20p total cross sections for K20 laboratory momenta between 168 and 343 MeVc. From these data we have determined the isotopic spin-1 K¯N s-wave scattering length to be (0.00±0.14)±i(0.62±0.06) F. This is in fair agreement with previous determinations. We have also measured K20-nuclear total cross sections for seven species of nuclei which span the periodic table, in the same momentum range, to statistical accuracies of typically a few percent in each of eleven momentum intervals within the range. The data at the highest momentum do not obey an A23 law. We have also measured the K20 mean life to be (5.15±0.14)×108 sec. This is in agreement with previous results and represents an improvement in statistical accuracy by about a factor of 3. We have also studied K20 and γ production at 93° by 2.8-GeV protons on 1.5-in. platinum. The experiment was performed using a scintillation-counter K20 detector. Kinematic identification of each K20 particle was made using a time-of-flight method: The bunched time structure of the internal proton beam of the Princeton-Pennsylvani accelerator was used to determine K20 production times, and an electronic chopping technique was used to eliminate unwanted proton bunches. Depending upon beam conditions, between 103 and 104 useful K20 mesons per hour were detected with momentum resolution of a few percent. In conjunction with the timing calibration of the system, we have made a direct velocity measurement of the relativistic limiting speed for electrons. The result is (1βmax)=0.005±0.005.