The presence of pteridine and of riboflavina in the malpighien tube of the Sarcophagha haemorrhoidalis Fll has been proved. The researches were made on adult individuals and on larva in the III state. The pteridinic substance is often similar to the yellow substance found in the eye of the same Sarcophoga and in that of the mutant sepia (se> of Drosophila melagonaster Meig. This pteridina therefore might be the N 8 lactyl-7,8 dihidro-2 amino-4 hydroxy-6 carboxylpteridine. In the malpighian tube of the adult individual a stronger concentration of the pteridina in proportion to the riboflavina can be noted; on the other hand the countrary can be observed in the larva of the III state, The result of such compared physiological observations are discussed and some hypotheses are made concerning the origin of the newly found pteridina.