Leaflet anatomy of the tribe Phaseoleae was studied by light microscopy of cleared material and by scanning electron microscopy of leaflet surfaces. Anatomical results compared favorably with the recently revised subtribal classification of the tribe. Bulbous-based and vesicular glands are restricted to the subtribe Cajaninae. Hooked hairs are present in 3 generic groups: Phaseolus, Alepidocalyx and Minkelersia; Clitoria, Periandra, Clitoriopsis and Centrosema; and 1 sp. each of Canavalia and Camptosema. Glandular hairs are particularly well developed in the Diocleinae, Phaseolinae and Kennediinae. Branched (2- to several-armed) hairs are restricted to Erythrina. Paraveinal mesophyll is widespread in the tribe. Peculiar, paired epidermal crystals occur in Canavalia.